
Price-controlled charging

You can use the cFos Charging Manager to control the charging of cars and battery storage systems based on the electricity price. First, select an energy provider in the general Charging Manager settings.

                           Screenshot selection of the energy provider

Awattar and Tibber are currently supported. You still need to request the OAuth token for Tibber. There is a Tibber web link for this under "Configuration", which becomes active as soon as you have selected Tibber as your energy provider. Tibber defines the price level as follows:

  • Very expensive: 140% above 3-day average
  • Expensive: 115% above average
  • Normal: 90%-115% of the average
  • Favourable: below 90% of the average
  • Very favourable: below 60% of the average
The cFos Charging Manger takes the price level from Tibber and calculates it accordingly for Awattar.

If you select "Charging Manager" as the energy provider (in the Charging Manager settings), the price and price level are determined by reading the global Charging Manager variables _set_price and _set_price_level. This allows you to use custom counters to call prices from providers with HTTP API and JSON and use them for price rules. If you have an energy provider that provides price information via HTTP API, you can create a corresponding "meter definition". A meter definition from serves as an example, which you can download here.

As soon as the current electricity price has been determined either by querying the price or setting the _set_price or _set_price_level variables, you can use charging rules to control the charging of electric cars and battery storage systems. The cFos Charging Manager supports charging rules that start charging as soon as the price or price level is below the specified level.

More information on cost-conscious charging