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Enable port forwarding for the DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6

The following guide is intended for the latest official firmware (2.5.12) which you can download here.

DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6 Step 1

1 Log into your router with your username and password (default IP: - default username: admin password: admin)

DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6 Step 2

2 Click "Firewall" in the menu on the left

DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6 Step 3

3 Click "Virtual servers"

DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6 Step 4

4 Click "Add" button

DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6 Steps 5-8

5 Select "Virtual server HTTP" in "Template" dropdown list (selected template is applied automatically)

6 Specify any name you like in "Name" field

7 In "Private IP" dropdown list select the IP of the computer cFos Personal Net is running on (this computer should be on and connected to the router prior to this setup, it will appear in this list automatically)

8 Click "Apply" button

DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6 Step 9

9 Click the red circled button to save changes

DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6 Step 10

10 Click "Save Device configuration was changed. Save?" link to confirm changes

DIR-300NRU-rev.B5-B6 Step 11

11 Reboot the router by clicking on "Reboot device" button in "System" top menu

Port forwarding is now configured for your computer!