cFosSpeed is now in new hands. Atlas Tech Solutions now owns, develops, and sells new versions of it
New! By the makers of cFosSpeed: The cFos EVSE

cFos Update Information

Free shareware updates are available for owners of the full cFos Professional or cFosSpeed Version in our download area at

If you own a copy of the cFos OEM Version, you should read this important information on AOL OEM License or 1&1 OEM License issues.

Download the update, but please keep in mind that for successful installation you need to have a licensed version of cFosalready installed on your computer!

Upgrade to cFos XP/2000/NT: If you want to upgrade from cFos/Win, cFos/2, cFos/DOS or cFos/Multi to Omniplattform-Lizenz (includes cFos NT/2000/XP), we offer a special price. For further information contact  .

Recent Versions and Updates?

The latest cFos versions can be found at the following addresses:

Our WWW Site :