cFosSpeed is now in new hands. Atlas Tech Solutions now owns, develops, and sells new versions of it
Also visit our cFos eMobility page for our electro mobility products, like cFos EVSE, cFos Charging Manager and cFos Wallbox Booster

Enable port forwarding for the Kozumi KM-4150NR

Kozumi KM-4150NR Step 1

1 Log into your Kozumi with your username and password

Kozumi KM-4150NR Step 2

2 Click on "Advanced" tab

Kozumi KM-4150NR Step 3

3 Click on "Port Forwarding"

Kozumi KM-4150NR Step 4

4 Click on "Add" button

Kozumi KM-4150NR Steps 5-8

5 Search your service in the drop down list and skip to step 8 or make a custom server

6 Put the IP address of the computer cFos Personal Net is running on

7 Add the needed ports and protocols

8 Click on "Apply" button

Port forwarding is now configured for your computer!